Best Data-Driven Customer Intelligence & CRM » Food & Health » Marketing Excellence for Bayer

Best Practice / Campaign Introduction

In the competitive landscape of the pharmaceutical and crop science industries, establishing a strong brand presence is paramount. For Bayer, a leading brand in pharmacy and crop science, ETHORITY’s data-driven digital marketing excellence played a pivotal role in achieving best-in-class “Brand Engagement” across key markets.

ETHORITY’s in-depth market intelligence revealed a captivating discovery – farmers in the USA and Canada were highly engaged in social media. Sharing their experiences and insights, these farmers formed an active community, presenting a unique opportunity for Bayer to connect with their target audience.

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The Challenge

To capitalize on the engaged farmer community on social media, Bayer faced the challenge of formulating digital strategies that resonated with these audiences. Additionally, Bayer sought to strengthen its brand engagement across key markets, including USA, China, Canada, and France.

What we did?

ETHORITY’s Comprehensive Solutions:

ETHORITY’s suite of services, including Digital Marketing, Digital Market Intelligence & Social Media Strategy, Social Media Monitoring & Community Management, Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, App Development, Contests, Ads, and Brand Awareness Campaigns, provided the framework for success.

Data-Driven Strategies:

The key to Bayer’s brand engagement triumph lay in ETHORITY’s data-driven strategies. Through thorough market research and social media monitoring, ETHORITY gained invaluable insights into farmer sentiments, preferences, and experiences. This data formed the foundation of Bayer’s impactful campaigns.

Workshops and Collaboration:

ETHORITY’s partnership with Bayer extended beyond implementation. Company workshops were conducted across the globe, collaborating with Bayer’s country branches, including Marketing, Market Intelligence, Brand Management, Corporate Communication, and CRM teams. These workshops ensured a cohesive and integrated approach in key regions such as Germany, the USA, Canada, France, Brazil, and India.

Influencer Marketing and Community Management:

To foster authentic connections with farmers, ETHORITY curated influencer marketing campaigns that featured prominent figures within the farming community. Additionally, ETHORITY’s adept community management cultivated meaningful interactions between Bayer and its engaged audience.

Best-In-Class Brand Engagement:

The result of ETHORITY’s data-driven excellence was best-in-class brand engagement for Bayer. The brand awareness campaigns captivated audiences, and Bayer’s presence in social media conversations soared to new heights.

Cultivating Success:

ETHORITY’s data-driven and strategic approach unlocked the potential of Bayer’s brand engagement efforts. By harnessing the power of social media and leveraging the engaged farmer community, Bayer cultivated lasting relationships and established itself as a trusted brand among its target audience.


For Bayer, data-driven digital marketing excellence by ETHORITY has proven to be a catalyst for cultivating success in brand engagement. By tapping into the vibrant farmer community on social media and formulating impactful campaigns, Bayer achieved best-in-class engagement across key markets. As Bayer continues to nurture its brand presence, the collaboration with ETHORITY serves as a testament to the power of data-driven marketing in cultivating success.

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Outcome & Results

Marketing Excellence Services applied.

Marketing Campaign Concept
Brand Engagement Mechanic
FB App Development & Design
Social Media Listening
Influencer Marketing
Word of Mouth Marketing
Content Management
Social Media Marketing
Customer Insights
Facebook Ad Design & Management

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ETHORITY's four pillar "All-In-On-AI" consultancy model, designed to navigate the complexities of AI implementation and digital strategy with a strong ethical foundation (EAITF).

ETHORITY’s “All-In-On-AI” strategy is designed to position businesses and organizations at the forefront of their industries through strategic AI adoption.

At ETHORITY, We’re Your “All In On AI” Partner:

1. AI Consultancy – Roadmap, Strategy & Infrastructure
2. AI Master Classes & Education (tailored/industry/functional)
3. AI Products – ETHORITY ANNUNAKI AI Family/10 LLMs
4. Ethical AI Governance & Certifications
5. AI Business Frameworks
6. EAITF (Ethical AI Trustworthiness Framework)
7. Custom AI Solutions & Strategy
8. AI Research & Partnerships
9. Ethical AI for NGOs
10. Ethical AI for Governments & Public
11. Ethical AI SpeakerSlot Request
12. Ethical AI Interview Partner (Media / PR)
12. AI on Sustainable Development Goals

ETHORITY’s Unique Approach
Engagement Process:

We organize a call to align with your schedule.


We engage in a video call discussion to understand your specific needs and objectives.


We develop and present during in a video call discussion a customized proposal that addresses your goals.

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